Friday, March 15, 2013

Installing Oracle XE on Ubuntu 32-bit

For successful installation of Oracle XE on Ubuntu 32-bit, following requirements must be satisfied :-
a) 512 MB RAM
b) 1 GB swap-space
c) 1.5 GB of free space in the mount-point containing /usr/lib directory.

For installing the Oracle 10g XE R2 do the following :
1) Install the libaio1 package .
sudo apt-get install libaio1

2) Download the .deb installer file : 
For the people who want to install Oracle XE on the 32-bit Ubuntu system but are not able to do the same due to unavailability of the installer from Oracle Website , here is some good news. I am sharing the original Oracle 10g R2 XE ( express edition ) installer on my cloud space.

The Link : One Drive Link

File size : 220670896
md5sum : 47a83df38f2cbcd78b9a1f110c1c5d92
sha1sum : be666229e036afa85dcc9437d48a418bf65c3468

Use the above link to download the deb installer file.
3) Go to the download location and run below command to install the Oracle 10g XE :
dpkg -i oracle-xe_10.2.0.1-1.0_i386.deb

4) Configure the installation:
  /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure

Enter the following configuration information:
  • A valid HTTP port for the Oracle Application Express (the default is 8080) 
  • A valid port for the Oracle database listener (the default is 1521) 
  • A password for the SYS and SYSTEM administrative user accounts 
  • Confirm password for SYS and SYSTEM administrative user accounts  
  • Whether you want the database to start automatically when the computer starts (next reboot).  

5) Set-up the environment variables :
Add following lines to .bashrc of the user which you will using to access the Oracle 10g XE:
  • export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server
  • export ORACLE_SID=XE 
  • export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH 

6) Start a new shell ( terminal window ) for the changes to take effect or execute the .profile to force the changes made in the same session.
  . ./.profile

7) Use the command "sqlplus sys as sysdba" and the password which you created while configuration to connect to the database.

Have a happy Ubuntu Experience...

Note:- If anyone face problem in downloading from the above link, please let me know in the comments.


  1. Excellent,it Worked .I was trying teh 64 bit steps on my 32 bit machine and kept on failing on libraries.
    then used the above steps and it was simple and worked simply without a single error.

    Thanks Manish.

  2. I followed everything and got no error.
    But when i typed "sqlplus sys as sysdba" in command line it returns:
    "sqlplus: command not found"
    I tried to open oracle by typing "" in browser, it returns unable to load page
    Is there a way to fix this. Please help.

    1. I'm having the same issue, as soon as i solve it, i'll let you know how, if you do it first, please tell me.
